
Within the C3GB organization, there is a lot to do. So, we’ve created divisions to help your unique skillset find its perfect home. Whether it’s Chapter Leadership and the events and efforts they spearhead; or our Creative Collaborative who specialize in social media, awareness, videos and outreach; or the Sponsorship Committee who focus on unGALA events and corporate sponsorship, C3GB needs your talents to keep our mission moving.


The newest division of C3GB, our Ambassadors are everywhere on social media spreading the message that change can happen when we have compassion. Want to be an Ambassador? Welcome aboard! Anyone can be an Ambassador for C3GB. We’ll give you guidelines on what it is, how it works, and where to get the right information. Then, you just share, share, share!


These are our stories from the trenches, so to speak. The impact C3GB is having around the world is profound. But don’t take it from us. Read about it first-hand from those who have experienced what #ChangeThroughCompassion really means. They’ve affected change externally, and felt it internally.

Chapters & Leadership